Bankrupting the devil
In the summer of 1997. Dr. Derber had perpared a message to preach in a conference that his church was hosting, but the night before he was scheduled to preach, God spoke to him. It was well after after midnight when he went to bed as his 3 A.M. prayer time was not far off. As he laid his head down on the pillow, the said, "Philip, I've got a plan." He relied, "Lord, I know you have a plan." God said, "No Philip, I have a plan." He told the Lord, "Let me go to sleep and tell me in the morning." The Lord ignored that and said, "I have a plan, Philip, to bankrupt the devil." That immediately captured his attention. Imagine a plan that woild not only bring the wealth of the sinner into the hands of the church, but would also paralyze all the of the devil's operations. In this book, Dr. Derber expouds this Master Plan that the Lord downloaded into him that night. Get ready to receive your wealthy place as you become a part of God's Mastor Plan in...